The other day we were over at Cheryl and Jordan's house for dinner and playing and hanging. A lovely Friday evening hang out. The girls painted together. It was Johari's first time painting and she really liked it. She also tried eating the paint. I figured she would take a lick of it and not like it. But she repeatedly put the brush in her mouth to check it out. She ended up having this goth look with a ring of dark green paint around her lips, she already has the dark eyes, and dark paint all over her hands. Later in the evening the girls enjoyed painting all of our legs and feet. We went to bed with painted legs and ended up enjoying checking them out and showing them off in the morning.
Johari likes to serve her imaginary apples and bananas. The apples got hot yesterday. How do I know? Because she started blowing on them before she gives them to me so that I don't burn my mouth. Very considerate of her. She is almost always ready to cook you some apple. She loves that word.
Last week she found my old manual breast pump. While Ceci was here, Johari learned about pumping nyo-nyo's. She even made up a sign for it where she bumps her forehead and says pump nyo-nyo. So she was glad to find that we have a pump. She took it to the bedroom where she works on pumping her own nyo-nyo's. It looks more like she is pumping her belly button.
Johari went peepee on her potty for the first time last night. It was cool. It took several times of her signing that she wanted to go to the potty trying and not depositing anything in the pot before she relaxed to let it go. Good beginning to thinking about it and communicating about it. No pressure to make it happen though.