Sunday, January 6, 2008

busy people....

It has been a while since I have had a chance to blog or journal or anything of the sort. We went to Ohio over Christmas time to see Johari's great grandma. We had a good trip. Traveling with her went smoothly. Visiting a house that is not kid-friendly is more of a challenge. But we had a nice time anyway. We came back and our friend, Danny, was visiting. Johari and I went up to Vancouver for about a day and half with him and his friend. We stayed the night in a youth hostel. Pretty interesting place to take her. It would have been fine except that there seemed to be a bar or night club underneath the level that we were sleeping on. So she an I went to bed around 9 and she was able to sleep through it all. But I was not. I tried to sleep that whole time, but didn't really get into a real sleep until 2 or 3 in the morning when the bar shut down. The next evening, Johari and I rode the Amtrak home.
She seems to be getting her two upper canine teeth. The fangs are on their way in. It is always a slow process but I see one poking through. She will soon have her smile completed to dazzle the world with.
We made some new friends....what a blessing!! Cheryl (the mama) and Jordan (the 2 1/2 yr old girl). We have hung out with them a few times. We went to a children's museum the other night together. And while we were walking into the mall, Johari kept reaching to hold Jordan's hand to walk with her and Cheryl's hand too. Johari did give Jordan a little push while we were in Petco and looking at lizards. We have to work on that...that is, not doing that. But they are both great people and fun to hang with. I am very happy to have met them.
We also went to the art museum a few days ago with the Stee family crew (Hyon, Dan, Lua, Sung-Jin, and Jung-Gyu). And to Pike Place Market. It was a nice outing. Tiring but good. The art museum has a play room for the kiddos which is nice.
I was just realizing what is happening in Kenya. I am not in touch with world events enough. I try to listen to NPR when I am in the car but don't get in the car every day. I am worried about my friends in Kenya. I need to try to get in touch with them or their family members in the U.S.

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