Saturday, May 24, 2008

montana and back again...more

Chilly days after the summery days

Helping herself to someone's helmet at the playground

Baby miniature horse and its mama

Vintage Fisher Price barn

I went from being "mama" to being "mommy" while we were away. Not my choice but it is all good. She also got into saying "I don't like it." AND "I like it." often. Her doll became her "daughter". She went from saying "yeah" to saying "yesss".
She got some very cute "big girl" underpants. Those little underpants are too cute. She also now has a very nice boy doll. We have been lacking in the male representation in her hopefully she will take care of her "son" now too. When I asked her what she wanted to name her new doll, she said, "mine". The perfect name.
We went to fairground to check out some animals in their pens there. There was a baby miniature horse with its mama. And some more miniature horses, sheep, and llamas.
Aunt Bobbie lent us some toys she saved from when her girls were kiddos. She had this vintage fisher price farm with the animals and farmer as well as a fisher price house with furniture. Great stuff. Nicer than the current model because the animals had moving parts. They also have this great set of stacking cups because they have different ways they can be stacked with different groupings. One time Johari was playing with the stacking cups and really created a method of deciding what could fit in what. It was really fascinating to sit back and watch her method emerge through her play.
We also got to go to a great story time at the public library.
She created a song about Kent and Bobbie's dogs, Edgar and Otis. She would just sing their names over and over. She loved to get her dog fix with them.
We made friends with a grandchild of a neighbor and went for a walk with them around the neighborhood one evening.
One time we discovered a really cool kids' TV show called "Little Bill". It was really well done and not offensive or annoying. She kept asking for it other days but it was always on when she was napping. So we didn't get any more Little Bill.

Waiting for our airplane to go home with her daughter and son.

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