Sunday, August 3, 2008


She is getting more and more into Merlin, our dog, these days. She calls him "my baby dog". She likes to take him to the park and walk him often.
When asked, "What kind.........(or something)?" The answer is almost always "Orange".
Last night we were drawing together. She said that she was drawing worms and high heels.
Yesterday she found an itty bitty slug that she was willing to move around and touch as opposed to the big slugs which she is not yet interested in handling.
She had her 2 year wellness doctor's visit. It went far more smoothly than the most recent visits. It was the first time that she was willing to be weighed on her own and measured on her own. She was OK with being approached by the doctor and having her heart listened to. She still didn't like to have to lay down for the doctor though.
I have finally done her hair! It was unplanned...on a whim. Whenever she wanted to nurse while we were hanging at Forest Park, I would braid a few more until her head was complete. I didn't really think that it would get completed, but here is her first braiding. She wanted them out pretty soon but has gotten used to them now. So they remain for now.
We set up tents today in preparation for a camping trip that we are going on in a couple weeks. She had a blast bouncing around on the air mattress. It will be our first camping trip. That seems like crime that she has gone 2 years without a camping trip but we will finally do it soon!
I am reading a book called Sudbury Valley School Experience. It has a picture of the school on the front of it. She asked me what it was and I told her it was the Sudbury Valley School. Then she said that she wants to go there and take the bus there. Amazing what's going on in her head...all the connections and observations that she makes.


FiberMama said...

love the braids!!!

Sarah Ma said...

she looks so much older with the braids! it really is amazing. she is such a cutie!