Sunday, January 4, 2009

bandaid trauma.....

Johari has had cold after cold since we came back from Togo. She had a small bout of pneumonia as well. She got to experience the joys of going to get a chest x-ray at the hospital. In any case, I decided to get us flu shots to see if we could get a little less sick. I am not sure it has made any difference really but no biggie either way, hopefully. In any case, when we got our flu shots, they quickly put a bandaid on the spot of injection. Well, that bandaid was the source of much drama and stress for Johari. I am not sure what she had come to believe about that bandaid but she was unable to take a bath because of it for many days. She would start to get undressed for the bath and then see it and immediately change her mindabout taking a bath and want to get dressed again. Or even if she thought about undressing for a bath she would think about the bandaid on her arm and change her mind. So after about a week of this, I knew we really had to get over it. A bandaid will eventually fall off, I guess but those were 'good' bandaids that seemed it would take a long time to deteriorate. So we had a dramatic ending to the bandaid where she ends up in the bathtub with her fairy costume on. And then she wrapped her arm in a washcloth for a bandage when the bandaid was no longer protecting her.

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