Wednesday, November 28, 2007

my personal trainer

This morning, Johari didn't want me sitting in a chair with her. So I got on the floor to stretch my back out a bit and stuck my legs in the air. When she saw me doing this, she got off the chair and went over to try to get out the yoga mat. She was trying to pull it out and insisted that we roll it out. Then, I did sun salutations while she ran around me and used me as a jungle gym. I have been needing to start doing some yoga at home and she was my personal trainer and motivator today. Maybe we can make it a regular routine. I thought it was so interesting that she thought to pull it out so immediately because we have only had that yoga mat here for a couple weeks and only rolled it out once or twice since it arrived. And yet she was so honed in to what was needed to "properly" get my stretch on.
Unfortunately we watched a bit of TV this evening. It was on, not by my choice. And I didn't feel like making the effort to get away from it. To be honest, I was kind of interested in the was about this "super smart" kid in India who was wanting to find the cure for cancer. Oh, well. Let's just not make it a habit to sit in front of the TV.
The baby doll ruined nap time today. Blame it on the baby doll. Johari brought her to nap time for the first time. And she took turns with the baby doll nursing. She ended up just playing and flopping around in the bed until she decided that she wanted to go get some food downstairs. I tried to wait it out to see if she could settle herself, but her settlings didn't last long enough for her to fall into sleep.
Will we make it to Belize this winter? That is the question. Can we make it happen in a peaceful and fun way? Can we meet a friend there to have a good time? What is in store for us this winter time? New travels. I feel like if I could make it happen, then it would be another step toward knowing that we will have a life of traveling together.

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