Sunday, December 2, 2007

snow and snot

Well, Johari got a cold. It is no fun. But we are making it through. It started with her first time throwing up ever. Not bad to hold out until she is 16 months old to try throwing up. And then it went into total congestion and coughing and a stuffed nose and sad look. But her snot nose is drying up and her cough is still hacking stuff up. Her eyes look back to healthier.
We were out at the bread store the other day. When we got there, it started snowing. And here in the Northwest, the snows freaks people out a bit. The people in front of me in line said they had to take their food to go because they needed to rush home. A guy walked in and asked me what I thought of this snow...I told him I just moved here from Chicago and he got it. They don't really do anything to the roads when it snows. I am not really sure why. I guess because it doesn't happen often enough to spend their resources on cleaning up snow. But then along with the hills and rain and ice and snow, it can be treacherous driving, I guess. It just seemed so odd to me how hyped up everyone got at the sight of some flakes falling from the sky.

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