Friday, February 6, 2009

Borrowing and returning and loving

Johari has been REALLY into borrowing. She likes to borrow something from her friend's houses. Toys, dolls, clothes, candles. And sometimes she is into returning the items too. Sometimes she even thinks of bringing stuff for her friends to borrow. I think it is a pretty cool process because it keeps things circulating and yet not this strong material attachment.
The other day we were over at Jordan's house. Johari and Jordan were totally off in the other room playing together, having their own conversations and negotiations. It was so cool. I love listening to their conversations. They were really having a blast together. Earlier that day, we were walking down the street with Jordan coming back from the park and Johari asked her something. Jordan answered very quietly and Johari said, "I don't understand what you said. Can you speak louder?" Jordan is pretty quiet when we are babysitting her, so she reluctantly and quietly repeated herself. It is fun to watch their friendship grow.
Johari is talking a whole lot about love these days. I LOVE it! She says, "Mom, do you know I love you?" Or "I love you. I love Barney. I love Grandpa. I love Grandma. I love Merlin." and on and on. Or the interconnectedness of the love. "Grandpa loves Barney. And Grandma loves Barney. And Barney loves me. We all love each other." It is so wonderful to hear her love and feel loved. The other day when Carmel was over, Johari said to her, "Do you know I love you? Do you know I love your teeth? Do you know I love your earrings?" I believe Carmel's answer to all of these was "No." Pretty funny. This outpouring of love from Johari was also between various pushes and hair pullings and things that she has been doing to her friends sometimes when she gets too amped up. We are working on that side of things. But I know that in her heart of hearts, she has love.
Johari likes to do this back and forth where she tells me to say "Yes" and she will say "No". We just say yes and no to each other over and over. Then she will chang it to me saying "Yes" and her saying "Yes" and after we do it a few times, she says, "What are we saying yes to?"
She is interested in last names now more. So imaginary friends now sometimes have last names. The other day she asked Hyon if she knew Cheryl's last name. She did not. So Johari tells her it is "DogParker". Perfect!!! Cheryl's last name is Parker and her business is taking dogs to dog parks.

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