Thursday, June 18, 2009

Truly Triking

I remember a few weeks ago, Johari was trying to get going on her tricycle. There were many moments of serious frustration for her. She wanted to do it...on her own, of course... but she was struggling to ge tthe tricycle going. Within a few days, she was suddenly zipping around on it without any problem. It is a reminder of the importance of those frustrating moments for them. Those are the moments of learning.
Now she loves to ride her tricycle on the back porch. Or in the driveway and once in a while around the neighborhood. Most mornings, you can find her out back on the porch riding her trike around. Sometimes she will order me to get on the exercise bicycle machine that we inherited with the house. My little personal trainer!!!
A picture of me triking when I was about Johari's age

I've been trying to catch a photo that would be similar to the one of me. I haven't quite gotten the shot I am looking for. But here is an attempt.

1 comment:

elena said...

i absolutely LOVE the one where she has the biggest smile in the world. that is so awesome.